Hmmmm ... Who makes this sunscreen? It may not be bottled easily but I have been told that it is in fact the best sunscreen in the world.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
The Best Sunscreen?
Hmmmm ... Who makes this sunscreen? It may not be bottled easily but I have been told that it is in fact the best sunscreen in the world.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
There's a 99% chance you'll live ...
However, if left unchecked and not caught in the early stages of formation, skin cancer survival rates can be as low as 15%. Yikes. And we all no people who refuse to go to the doctor even at the worst of times - never a good idea.
So just as much as women conduct self examinations for breast cancer, and men for testicular cancer, we all must regularly check our moles and sun spots for irregularities.
According to healthy and fit magazine here are some tips on detection and warning signs:
"Gather a bright light; a full-length mirror; a hand mirror; two chairs or stools and a blow-dryer.
1. Examine head and face, using one or both mirrors. Use a blow-dryer to inspect scalp.
2. Check hands, front and back, including nails. In a full-length mirror examine elbows, arms and underarms.
3. Focus on neck, chest, and torso. Women: check under breasts.
4. With back to mirror, use a hand mirror to inspect back of neck, shoulders, upper arms, back, buttocks, legs.
5. Sitting down on one chair with leg propped up on the other, check legs and feet, including soles, heels, and nails. Use hand mirror to examine genitals.
The warning signs:
A skin growth that increases in size and appears pearly, translucent, tan, brown, black or multi-colored
A mole, birthmark, beauty mark or any brown spot that:
changes color
increases in size or thickness
changes in texture
is irregular in outline
is bigger than 6 mm (1/4 inch), the size of pencil eraser
appears after age 21
A spot or sore that continues to itch, hurt, crust, scab, erode or bleed
An open sore that does not heal within three week"
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Freckles and the Sun (sounds like a kid's book eh?)
So Pipi Longstocking asks, "How do I get rid of my freckles?" Well bleaching agents are the most usual treatment, but laser removal is also gaining popularity. Some even say that Retin-A is a good treatment. I have even heard of liquid nitrogen being used to lighten freckles.
Prevention is the best treatment to stand guard against unwanted freckles - obviously using the best sunscreen you can find.
Wow! Check this out!
Would you rather get the Best Sunscreen or pay for this?
Why do I care about the best sunscreen?
How sore can it get?
I was on the shores of the Indian ocean in Mombasa, Kenya. At 8 years old there are still a few things that a parent needs to do for their child or they just won't do it themselves; applying sunscreen is one of them. With her gone that day I was left to play with a friend by the pool all day. You know where this is going, the scorching rays of the African sun, no hat, no shirt, no sunscreen - by the time 5 o'clock rolled around I looked like a walking tomato.
When she arrived back to find me huddled in my bed with a towel drenched in water, I will never forget the look on her face. It said "I am so sorry I left you, and how stupid are you" all at the same time. I was in so much pain I fainted twice. My skin was so hot that it turned an ice cold wet towel warm in seconds. Rushed to the hospital I remember the look on the faces of the staff working there - it only made me feel worse.
I had managed to get the most severe burn the doctor had ever seen, not necessarily because of the amount of my exposure but because I had such fair skin. The only remedy at the time was painkiller, and aloe vera gel. That is the worst thing about a sunburn, only time can cure your misery.
That night I laid awake unable to sleep a wink. It hurt everywhere, I wanted to sleep standing up because anything touching my body only made it worse. You can imagine rolling around in a hard, sterile hospital bed - ouch!
The following days were hell. I started to look like I had leprosy, blisters had formed everywhere and I was peeling like a stripper in Vegas; not fun.
So I think we all can agree that not protecting yourself from the sun is one of the dumbest things you can do - I still wondering today what that one sunburn has done to my skin and the potential of the C-word.
Are we being duped in the USA?
In the US however, manufacturers are allowed to label the best sunscreen anyway they please. Phrases like "blocks all harmful rays," offers "total" or "all-day protection" and is "waterproof" can be quite misleading, but companies are free to use them on their untested sunscreen.
According to the advocacy group Environmental Working Group who has analyzed the chemicals in 786 sunscreen products - something the federal Food and Drug Administration hasn't bothered to do - they found that only 17 percent qualified as both effective and safe, meaning they block both UVA and UVB radiation, remain stable in sunlight and contain few (if any) ingredients with suspected health hazards.
In order to help consumers find the best sunscreen, the advocacy group recently implemented sunscreen scoring system, which is part of the group's searchable "Skin Deep" cosmetic safety database of more than 20,000 products. This will equip the uneducated consumer with a better understanding of what constitutes an acceptable sunscreen product
So again, the best sunscreen can be very difficult to find. With all the brands out there claiming to be something they are not, you as the consumer need the right information to prevent you from being harmed by the sun's dangerous rays.
The 9 Best Sunscreen
"1. The Best Sunscreen in the World -- La Roche Posay Anthelios
This is arguable, of course. But even dermatologists we've read tout La Roche-Posay Anthelios XL Lait SPF is the best sunscreen in the world. Why does this sunscreen work so well? Because of the chemical "Mexoryl," well-known all over the world to protect skin from wrinkle-causing UVA rays. (Most sunscreens only protect against UVB rays).
How good is Mexoryl? "It produces a product which gives us almost perfect protection against sunshine," said Dr. Vincent DeLeo, chairman of dermatology at Columbia University to ABC News.
2. An A+ Sunscreen for Your Face -- Kiehl's
I've used Kiehl's Ultra Protection Water-Based Sunscreen Lotion SPF 15 for years. I used to slather it on every day under my moisturizer and foundation. It goes on smoothly and a bit sticky and you have to cover the resulting shininess with powder.
To protect yourself on a daily basis, we suggest using a 2-finger scoop sunscreen of at least 15 SPF on your face and neck every day no matter the weather. Why? Getting into a routine means you won't miss a day. You need skin protection even if the day is cloudy (the sun's rays easily penetrate clouds).
3. Best Body Sunscreen -- Bull Frog Superblock
We told you about the best sunscreens for the face. But what about the body? Experts swear by Bull Frog Superblock Sun Block. Its long-lasting lotion protects even the fairest of skin types.
Extra tip: Sunscreen isn't only for the face. We read in O magazine that dermatologists report seeing too many women with hands, necks and chests that looked 20 years older than their faces. These women were diligent to keep their faces out of the sun but forgot to protect their hands, necks and chests as well.
4. Best Facial Moisturizer with SPF for Dry Skin -- Eucerin
Want your sunscreen combined in with your moisturizer? If you have dry skin, Eucerin Extra Protective moisture lotion SPF 30 is a solid bet. It contains the "gold standards" of skin protection -- microfine zinc and titanium oxides. This will guard skin again aging UVA rays and skin-cancer causing UVB rays. My father (he's 65-plus) uses it and raves to his peers that it smoothes his wrinkles. No word on whether he's won over any converts, but I'll keep you posted.
5. Best Facial Moisturizer with SPF for Oily Skin -- Aveda
Don't like those heavy creams for your face? Try an oil-free, noncomedogenic sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher. We hear good things about Dual Nature Face Protection SPF15 Skincare by Aveda 1.7oz.
6. Best Facial Moisturizer with SPF for All Skin Types -- L'Occitane
Moisturizers with SPF protection are great time savers. A great bet is L'Occitane Shea Butter Ultra Moisturizing Day Care SPF 15.
But be careful, it's very thick. Another great bet is Clarins Hydration-Plus Moisture Lotion SPF 15, which combines sunscreen with Clarins' all-time bestselling moisturizers. A top favorite of dermatologists is Olay Total Effects UV Protection .
7. Best Tinted Moisturizers With SPF -- Laura Mercier
Tinted moisturizer is lighter than your average foundation but provides a soft coverage. It's great for women with almost flawless skin because it evens out skin tone without "cake face," otherwise known as "pancake makeup."
Foundations or tinted moisturizers with SPF ensures you are getting not only great coverage, but SPF as well. Hands down the best tinted moisturizer with SPF on the market is Laura Mercier.
8. Best Organic Sunscreen: Dr. Hauschka Skincare Sunscreen
For you "green girls," you won't find a better organics company than Dr. Hauschka. This sunscreen is a favorite of Jade Jagger's and is comes in a variety of SPFs.
9. Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch Sunblock
The reviewers over at rave about Neutrogena's Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch Sunblock. It goes on lightly, doesn't turn an oily face into a greasepit and best yet, it won't cast "ghost glow," the annoying white cast that some sunblocks give.
Neutrogena products are now made with Helioplex, which, like Mexoryl, offers ultra protection from the sun's UVA rays. Most sunscreens on the market only offer protection from UVB rays, but it's the UVA rays that can wreak havoc deep within the epidermis and causing some bad skin cancers."
The Best Sunscreen
So even with the best sunscreen available in the US, we are still not protected against harmful UVA rays. So why are UVA rays so harmful?
"Ultraviolet A light ages your skin. And the reason it does that, it's a longer wavelength, so it can penetrate deeper into the skin, and instead of attacking the upper layers of the skin where skin cancer often forms, it attacks the layers that give your skin its tone, its elasticity, as we call it. … You get the lines, the wrinkles, all the things associated from aging," said Dr. Darrell Rigel, clinical professor of dermatology at New York University.
So even with the best sunscreen on our bodies, at low-level exposures, UVA light breaks down collagen, which causes wrinkles. Unless we take of advantage of the best sunscreen available in the world which contains the chemical Mexoryl, we are truly not safe from premature aging of our skin.
The Best Sunscreen banned in the USA?
The best sunscreen is banned in the US? The best sunscreen available in the US are great at blocking out the sun's harmful UVB rays - the ones that cause sunburn and skin cancer - what most people don't realize is that their sunscreen does not offer any protection from harmful UVA rays, the ones that give us wrinkles.
The best sunscreen are lotions that contain the ingredients Oxybenzone, Titanium Dioxide or Parsol. Supposedly the chemical Mexoryl offers even better protection, according to some doctors.
People all over the world from Rio de Janeiro to the streets of Paris, in Canada, Mexico and Australia are all benefiting from the properties of this ingredient. Mexoryl the No. 1 individual ingredient in terms of protection from Ultraviolet radiation.
The best sunscreen will contain Mexoryl and you cannot legally buy it in the United States. The Food and Drug Administration won't approve it, therefore making it illegal in the US. They won't even say why.
So, the best sunscreen is illegal in the US. That does not mean that you cannot get your hands on this miracle drug, you just have to be resourceful and I will be providing links in upcoming posts on how you can get your hands on some before you start aging too quickly!
Friday, August 24, 2007
What is skin cancer?
It is kind of like thunder and lightning - we all know what it is, but if someone asked you tell them what causes the two, I am sure you would be left directing them to google.
So for a brief detail on the exact description of our little friend click here.
Until next time, get the best sunscreen possible as the sun's rays continue to beat down on us this summer.
I wonder if I already have skin cancer?
Thursday, August 23, 2007
The Best Sunscreen
The Best Sunscreen
The best sunscreen is no sun at all, and if you were to ask a dermatologist he or she would confirm this statement. However, we all know that unless you are a vampire, the suns rays are unavoidable even on the grayest of days.
Skin cancer is now at an all time high in the US, with over one million cases each year. The deadliest for of skin cancer a malignant melanoma, has more than doubled it occurrences between 1973 and 1996. So can only imagine what that number is here in 2007. This form of skin cancer can spread rapidly, and causes more than 75% of all deaths related to skin cancer. However, if detected and treated early this cancer can be cured quite easily.
The best sunscreen you can find is going to be the best thing you can possibly do to prevent yourself from an incidence of skin cancer.