Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Best Sunscreen

The Best Sunscreen

The best sunscreen
is no sun at all, and if you were to ask a dermatologist he or she would confirm this statement. However, we all know that unless you are a vampire, the suns rays are unavoidable even on the grayest of days.

Skin cancer is now at an all time high in the US, with over one million cases each year. The deadliest for of skin cancer a malignant melanoma, has more than doubled it occurrences between 1973 and 1996. So can only imagine what that number is here in 2007. This form of skin cancer can spread rapidly, and causes more than 75% of all deaths related to skin cancer. However, if detected and treated early this cancer can be cured quite easily.

The best sunscreen you can find is going to be the best thing you can possibly do to prevent yourself from an incidence of skin cancer.

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