Saturday, August 25, 2007

Freckles and the Sun (sounds like a kid's book eh?)

Freckles are small brownish spots on our skin, usually we find them on our face and particularly on the nose. They are caused by special cells in the skin that produce a pigment called melanin, when the melanin is built up enough in a particular area a freckle will usually form. This uneven distribution results in clusters of freckles forming in certain areas as well.

So Pipi Longstocking asks, "How do I get rid of my freckles?" Well bleaching agents are the most usual treatment, but laser removal is also gaining popularity. Some even say that Retin-A is a good treatment. I have even heard of liquid nitrogen being used to lighten freckles.

Prevention is the best treatment to stand guard against unwanted freckles - obviously using the best sunscreen you can find.


Unknown said...

Your sunscreen is so nice to put on me ok. I will by a bloody case load of the stuff. sold im buying

Unknown said...

Your sunscreen is so nice to put on me ok. I will by a bloody case load of the stuff. sold im buying